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Arts & Crafts Community

We support your purpose by authentic supportive social connections, facilitated and guided through a process. In the spirit of abundance and non-judgement.

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Join our June Expansion Group

In this high energy Expansion Group, we will:

  • Support new purposeful intentions

  • Navigate blockages with self-love

  • Accelerate our belief rewiring

  • Take action 

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1. Imagination

The first step is about defining your future and more authentic self. We help each other to dream bigger than our own imagination currently allows for.

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3. Expansion

By team accountability we are empowered to take courageous action and manifest our future and authentic selves, even when challenged and full of doubt. 

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2. Discovery

With empathy, we challenge our beliefs and thought patterns that no longer serve us and hold us back. We help each other to allow ourselves to expand in alignment with our chosen beliefs.

"Dream bigger, believe it more, feel more worthy of it and ultimately express authenticity freely" 


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