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What's purpose according us?

It's a space. A mind and emotional state that you choose to be "you". It's your hardcore ultimate baseline state. You know that when you act from this space, you are always right.


We have to define this state for ourselves and then live in it and from it more and more, as much as we can. We grow into it. Then we explore the wonderful things we create from this space.


Here we are powerful and unrockable. We can't be tempted by others "truths". We are it, everything.

What does it look like?

Total excitement about being alive! Crisp and clear intention. Massive flow. Synchronicity. 

Why Expansion Groups?

Sometimes we need that social support to hold on to that high vibration. It takes active focus and work to abandon the programmed feelings such as unworthyness, self-doubt and even self-hate. That's not you. Let's let the real stuff shine! If you show up for us, we show show up for you. We support your purpose, and celebrate each little manifested win with you.

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